Our goal is that every student can achieve their academic potential. We offer a wide and varied curriculum that effectively allows the Chevalier student to build their own pathway. We are not an academically selective school, though we have students achieving at the very highest level.
Excellent relationships across our learning community unite students, parents and teachers in high expectations. We know our students and we are aware of their differences, their academic capabilities and interests, as well as their challenges.
Our curriculum is structured specifically for the needs of our unique community. Our academic culture is enhanced by a school-wide approach to teaching and learning using Professor John Hattie’s Visible Learning as a strategy for enabling every student to become life-long learners.
We nurture the six attributes which form the definition of a learner, and guide our students to achieve their best, not only academically but also on their life journey.
1. Curious – always wondering how and why; want to get below the surface; ask questions.
2. Resilient – able to pick myself up and try again; be flexible in my thinking and my approach to learning.
3. Creative – able to use my imagination; approach problems from different perspectives.
4. Self-motivated – loving to do my best; setting goals and working towards them.
5. Courageous – not fearful of making mistakes; admit what I don’t know; take risks in learning; critically reflect.
6. Collaborative – know how to work with others; know how to listen and contribute productively to a team; value and recognize the input of others.
The breadth of our academic offering is extensive. We are fortunate to have state-of-the-art facilities and a wealth of resources, and can therefore provide students with a uniquely balanced education which encompasses not just the core learning areas, but a much more diverse range of skills.
Chevalier students have the opportunity to follow a traditional pathway of academic excellence; our HSC results are consistently right at the top, with students achieving outstanding results year after year and being accepted into high-demand university and tertiary courses. However, we recognise that we all have different strengths, and so we ensure that each student’s educational experience can be highly individualised in order for them to reach their full potential, whether that be in Advanced Maths, Poetry, Agriculture, Coding, Wilderness skills, or one of many other fields.
11 Charlotte Street, Burradoo NSW 2576
T: 02 4861 1488 | F: 02 4862 1499
E: office@chevalier.nsw.edu.au