Chevalier offers the opportunity to partake in additional activities facilitated by the College, and conducted by external organisations.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award empowers young Australians aged 14-24 to explore their full potential and find their purpose, passion and place in the world, regardless of their location or circumstance. The Award is a self-development program available to all young people and is entirely voluntary. It is non-competitive and encourages young people to set and achieve goals at a level appropriate to their needs and aspirations.
YouthAdvance has partnered with Chevalier College to help deliver the award to students in Years 9-12.
Benefits of the Duke of Ed
Participants are provided with an opportunity to develop life skills including confidence, resilience, teamwork and problem solving. The Award holds significant prestige and can help with uni pre-admission, ATAR points at some universities and employment opportunities.
During the Award students will be engaged with their local community, encouraged to be active and to develop new skills, all whilst enhancing their leadership abilities and sense of empowerment, which we all know is crucial for future success.
Duke of Ed Information
Each level contains the following components:
Register for the Duke of Ed
The new pricing can be reviewed on the Youth Advance website.
All participants are encouraged to start as soon as possible, especially those looking to take advantage of hours over the summer holidays. However, please ensure you are registered by the start of Term 1, so we can begin our group start up meetings in early Term 1.
Get Started NOW by registering here!
More Information
If you would like more information on the Award:
The Australian Army Cadets (AAC) is a community-based youth development organisation focused on the Australian Army customs, traditions and values.
Benefits from Involvement
The opportunity to challenge yourself and achieve goals as part of a team, whilst making new friends.
As a Cadet you will learn:
To join Army Cadets, you must meet the following criteria:
Cadets train at Chevalier College on the Parade Ground Wednesdays 4:15pm – 7:30pm.
Please assemble at the cadet office in the A block tunnel.
Supervision will commence at 3:25pm.
Students are welcome to attend Parade nights before enrolling in Cadets.
There is a one off Administration fee of $100 that covers all of your gear and uniform when you enrol.
Fees are $60 per term which covers food and transport for that term’s activities. This includes a weekend away each term and a week-long Annual Field Exercise.
Further Information
Cadets at the College – Please enquire via email –
For more information see the Australian Army Cadets webpage –
Apply using –
11 Charlotte Street, Burradoo NSW 2576
T: 02 4861 1488 | F: 02 4862 1499