Mock Trial provides a practical understanding of the judicial system through running a true-to-life court. Students have the opportunity to take part in numerous roles including: Barrister, Solicitor, Witness, Magistrate’s Clerk, Court Officer, or assisting with preparations.
Students love the opportunity to work as a team towards a common goal, and learn skills including advocacy, debating, problem solving and professionalism.
The Chevalier Mock Trial teams have been very successful, being state champions in 2013, 2015 and for a history third time in 2022!
Our Mock Trial superstars and coach Mr Holmes have won the state title.
Our champions have made Chev the only school to win the title 3 times in the history of the competition. It is a huge achievement given the competition started with over 120 schools from around NSW.
There is no doubt this is attributable to their coach who has guided the winning team in 2022, and also the two winning teams before them.
As one of our parents shared: ‘Many thanks to Mr Holmes for his patience, impressive coaching techniques and most importantly his sense of fun during the 9 months of the competition. Thanks also to Miss Lee who assisted in the preparation of the students. (She was a member from Chev 2015 winning side).’
Mr Holmes has shared his pride in this team of outstanding students:
“Today’s Grand Final at the Law Society of NSW brings to a close ten months of diligence, dedication and dynamism from our Year 11 Mock Trial team. These three words aptly describe a team which is that rarest of things, a champion team, and a team of champions. This team worked so diligently, dedicated themselves to the pursuit of excellence and performed dynamically when required to do so. The presiding Supreme Court judge, the Honourable Justice Geoffrey Bellew, was fulsome in his praise for both teams, but singled out our second barrister, Annabel B, for her forensic cross examination of her witness and her persuasive closing address. Annabel was rightly chosen as the best barrister on the day. Every member of our team performed at a level which elevated the entire team and enabled us to secure the title for an unprecedented third time.”
We at Chev are so proud of this group of fantastic young men and women, and their dedicated coach Mr Holmes.
Thank you to The Law Society of NSW for running such a great competition and Sydney Girls’ High School for a great final trial.
The winning team consisted of: Annie W and Annabel B (barristers), our solicitor was Logan L, our witnesses were Matthew K and Ella L and our court officer was Sienna R. Thank you also to the invaluable contributions of Anna H and Cyprian S, who ably assisted the team’s preparations.
11 Charlotte Street, Burradoo NSW 2576
T: 02 4861 1488 | F: 02 4862 1499