Diverse Learning – Chevalier College

Diverse Learning

Diverse Learning

At the heart of the Chevalier vision and ethos is inclusivity: our academic and wellbeing teams work closely with students who have diverse learning needs across all academic levels.  As with all our students, those who have diverse learning needs are supported through their Chevalier journey to reach their full potential and achieve their very best; these students may be those who are the highest achievers, or those who struggle even with being present in lessons with their peers.

Specially trained teachers and aids work one-on-one with these students to differentiate the learning so that it works for them.  They effectively receive a bespoke education, but they still experience this in the same class as their peers, ensuring that they do not feel separated or excluded because of their needs.  We place extremely high importance on the social aspects of these students’ education and will go the extra mile to make sure this balance is achieved.

The college has adopted a Learning Support program with the following objectives:

  • To develop cooperative planning and to maintain communication with parents to ensure that young people’s individual needs are met.
  • To provide support in the transition from Primary to Secondary school and from school to work.
  • To establish collaboration between staff, students, parents and agencies to ensure responsible planning and implementation of appropriate programs to meet the individual special needs of our students.
  • To develop and implement individual student programs as required, including student achievement goals, timelines and methods of evaluation.
  • To provide in-class support to such students in the mainstream core subjects and in practical lessons.
  • To provide appropriate assistance in assessments.
  • To provide opportunities to develop life skills and to develop social skills.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

The national data collection reflects and supports the ongoing work of schools. The NCCD draws on teachers’ professional judgement and practices throughout the year supporting students with disability to access and participate in education on the same basis as other students.

Under the NCCD model, teachers and school staff use their professional, informed judgement, based on evidence, to determine the level of adjustment students with disability receive, in both the classroom and whole of school context, as well as the broad category of disability that relates to the adjustments.

NCCS 2022 Letter for Parents, Guardians & Carers
Parent/Carer Fact Sheet

NEW Disability Standards for Education Resources

Following the Federal Government’s 2020 Review of the Disability Standards for Education 2005, the following Department of Education link provides new resources for students with disabilities and their parents or carers.

Information products for students with disability and their parents and carers https://www.education.gov.au/disability-standards-education-2005/students

These resources are designed to help you:

  • understand your rights as a student with disability, or the rights of your child.
  • work with education providers to make sure you can learn and participate on the same basis as students without disability.

Students with a disability and their families from across Australia helped to design these resources. Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) asked them what they needed and then worked together to bring these ideas to life. They came up with the focus and content for each resource. The content was checked by students and their families and by other disability organisations and education authorities across Australia.

These resources were funded by the Australian Government. Each information product is available in Easy Read and Auslan. There are also versions translated into the languages of our communities.